朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
3D Computer Animation (2) 3D電腦動畫(二)

當期課號 3296 Course Number 3296
授課教師 黃俊明 Instructor HUANG,CHUN MING
中文課名 3D電腦動畫(二) Course Name 3D Computer Animation (2)
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 課程分為三部份,含視覺特效、物理動態與MEL程式,課程的主要目標是培養學生在3D電腦動畫有更深入的研究與應用。 Objectives This class will be taught in three distinct sections: visual effect, dynamics, and MEL script. The primary goal of this class is to develop students with an advanced research and application in 3D computer animation.
教材 LEARNING MAYA/Aliaswavwfront,Character Rigging and Animation, LEARNING MAYA/Aliaswavwfront,Unlimited Feature, Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時(30%), 期中(30%), 期末(40%)平時含出席率與進度討論(30%),遲交每一禮拜扣10分 Grading Homework(30%), Midtrem(30%), Final(40%)
教學內容 本學期教學內容主要在先進角色動畫、企劃、與短片動畫設計。以實際Project操作、Q&A互動討論,使學生對故事腳本、編劇、視覺特效與短片動畫有更深入之探討與創作,不唯技巧操作,同時賦予整個動畫流程、觀念說明與創作表現。 Syllabus The syllabus of this semester is focusing on advanced character animation, planning, and short animation design. With project operation, interactive discussion for Q&A, students have advanced understandings for storyboard, story telling, visual effect, and short animation , Not only skill operation, but also animation flowchow, concept description, and animation creation.