朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Consumer Behavior 消費心理

當期課號 3295 Course Number 3295
授課教師 邱順應 Instructor  
中文課名 消費心理 Course Name Consumer Behavior
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、認識消費者心理學的理論
Objectives This course provides a review of basic findings of the consumer-related behavioral sciences dealing with perception, personality, group behavior, psychological appeals, and their application to advertising strategy and execution.
教材 ■ 老師自編補充教材(we are not bound to one textbook)
■ 參考書目:
1. 消費者行為,陳志凱譯,美商麥格羅希爾。
2. 消費者心理學,鄭伯壎編譯,大洋出版社。
3. 廣告的心理原理,楊中芳,遠流出版公司。
4. 心理學概要,張春興著,東華書局。
5. Consumer Behavior-An Integrated Framework, Walters Paul,汎美圖書。
6. WHY THEY BUY-American Consumers Inside and Out, R.B,Settle & P.L, Alerk, Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 形成性評量+總結性評量

Grading Class participation & practice: 30%
Individual Assignments: 30%
Midterm Presentation: 10%
Final Presentation (oral part): 10%
Individual Portfolio: 20%
教學內容 課程內容皆以消費者為出發,換言之,課程設計是一種標準的消費者導向(consumer-oriented)思維設計,並圍繞著消費者的三大主題(展演主角):品牌、廣告與符號來開展研讀及演練。以下為課程之大致進度說明:

0. 課程導論
1. 給消費者挑品牌 (Consumer Introduction & Brand Selection)
2. 幫消費者畫肖像 (Consumer Profile)
3. 跟消費者講道理 (Consumer Behavior Theory)
4. 扶消費者上階梯 (AIDMA Model)
5. 替消費者下決策 (Consumer Decision Making Process)
6. 聽消費者吐心事 (Consumer Insight)
7. 找消費者攀關係 (Consumer Relationship)
8. 為消費者抱不平 (Consumer Right)
9. 帶消費者找位置 (Mind Positioning)
10. 和消費者過生活 (消費者進階看待:生活者)
11. 跟消費者約時間(ACB statement)
12. 向消費者調資料 (Consumer Research)
13. 邀消費者作記號 (Symbolism Theory & Practice-1)
14. 請消費者解迷津 (Symbolism Theory & Practice-1I)
15. 催消費者下訂單 (Symbolism Theory & Practice-1II)
16. 堵消費者填問卷 (Consumer Questionnaire Design)
17. 哄消費者上擂臺 (Consumer Portfolio-Final Presentation)
18. 拱消費者打報告 (Consumer Portfolio-Final Paper)
Syllabus This course provides you with some tools to better understand consumer behavior.

When you are finished with this class, you will
1. know the relationship between psychology and advertising design strategy of most relevance to brand marketing.
2. be able to evaluate and apply consumption meanings that you encounter in the future.
3. have experience building your own “consumer portfolio”.