朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Leadership and Science of Military 領導統御與兵學

當期課號 3241 Course Number 3241
授課教師 林健 Instructor  
中文課名 領導統御與兵學 Course Name Leadership and Science of Military
開課單位 校訂必修(四進) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 第一週 介紹心肺復甦術
第二週 心肺復甦術練習
第三週 心肺復甦術測驗
第四週~第五週 緒論、領導的意義。領導與權力、領導與統御。領導類型、領導原則
第六週~第七週 領導者的任務、領導的基礎。領導者的條件。軍隊領導的意涵、軍隊領導者的特質
第八~第十週 軍隊領導的基本才具。軍隊領導實務。結論。期中考。
第十一週~第十二週 中國兵學思想發展、中國兵學思想特色。先秦時期中國兵學選粹。
第十三~第十五 拓展蛻變時期中國兵學選粹。克勞塞維茲、約米尼。廿世紀前期西方兵學思想。
第十六~第十八 廿世紀後期西方兵學思想。期末考
Objectives Week 1 Introduction and practice oh CPR
Week 2 Practice CPR
Week 3 Test CPR
Weeks 4~5 Preface, meaning of leadership. Leadership and poweer, leadersihp and domination. Leadership types, principles of leadership.
Weeks6~7 Mission of a leader and foundation of leadership. Condition of a leader. The meaning and characteristics of military leadersihp.
Weeks8~10 Basic talent of military leadership. Military leadersihp practical. Conclusion. Midterm Test.
Weeks11~12 Characteristics of the chinese armed forces idea. Chin Dynasty chinese armed forces of choice.
Weeks13~15 Develop of chinese armed forces of choice in metamorphosis period. Western armed forces idea in eaarlier 20 century.
Weeks16~18 Western armed forces idea in later 20 century. final Test.
教材 1.中華民國紅十字會訓練規劃小組編,民國85年,心肺復甦術,紅十字會 2.胡月娟等譯,現代內外科護理,民國86年,華杏出版社 3.胡月娟編著,新編產科護理學, 民國81年,合計出版社 4.田聖芳等編著,民國84年,最新婦科護理學,匯華出版社 5.劉佩綺譯,乳癌與你,民國85年,方智出版社 6.莊哲彥著,愛滋病全貌,民國81年出版 7.劉名揚譯,AIDS的了解與預防,民國84年,大展出版社 8.江仁輝著,男女性與疾病,民國85年,尚宇出版社 9.徐靜.曾文星合著,現代精神醫學,民國87年,水牛出版社 10.蕭淑真編著,精神衛生護理學,民國86年,空中大學發行,幼獅出版社,大學大一軍訓領導統御 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 軍訓護理:紙筆測驗20%課堂參與10% 專題報告20%、出席率15%、CPR實測15%、期末考20% Grading nursing:paper test 20%;class performance 10% Report 20% , Attendance 15% ,CPR practical test 15% , final test 20%
教學內容 第一週乳癌的防治
第十週:領導的重要性、領導是一種藝術、領導能力可能經由學習強 化。
第十二週:領導與權力、權力的特性、領導權力的基礎、領導權力的 來源。
Syllabus The prevention and management of Breast cancer
The prevention and management of AIDS
The prevention and management of depression and suicide
Introduction and practice oh CPR
Week6:PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF SUICIDE AND DEPRESSION:The cause of suicide and depression;signs;diagnosis;treatment;the prevention of suicide and depression film teaching week7-9: 1. Summary of armed forces, development of chinese armed forces idea (chapter 1, chapter 2 section 1) - armed forces and strategy - aspect of strategy research - objective of armed forces research 2. Characteristics of chinese armed forces (chapter 2 section 2) 3. Chin dynasty's chinese armed forces of chice(chapter 2 section 3) 2 week10-12: 1. Teaching preparation, courses introduction 2. Importance and the meaning of leadership week13-15: 1. Leadership and power, leadership and domination 2. Principles of leadership(types, principles) ->chapter 2 3. Mission and fundamental condition of a leader ->chapter 3 week16-18: 1. Military leadership-> chapter 4, meaning and characteristic of military leadership 2. Be a competent subordinate - conclusion(leadership and domination study report) 3. Mid term test