朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Financial Management 財務管理

當期課號 3181 Course Number 3181
授課教師 呂珮珊 Instructor LU,PEI SHAN
中文課名 財務管理 Course Name Financial Management
開課單位 會計系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課教學內容係希望採深入淺出方式,引導同學認識財務管理,同時搭配理論教學中之實務應用個案,並藉由問題實作來學以致用,以期能達理論與實務結合之教學目標。 Objectives The object of this curriculum is to learn the framework of financial management, including primary academic theory and empirical analysis. Through actual case study, we hope that students could apply the text material to actual situation.
教材 財務管理─新觀念與本土化,謝劍平博士箸,再版,智勝公司。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時成績─40%(作業20%,小考20%)
Grading Grading Test & Problem-sheets: 40%
Mid-term Exam.: 30%
Final Exam.: 30%
教學內容 介紹財務管理基本觀念及工具,包含財務報表分析、財務規劃、貨幣時間價值、風險與報酬、證券評價等。並探討長期資本預算及投資決策,長、短期融資決策,資金成本及資本結構,股利政策等,以及衍生性金融商品或其他財務管理相關課題。 Syllabus Introduce the concepts and tools of financial managerial,including financial statements analysis;financial planning;time value of money;risk & return and bone & stock valuation.Then present long-tern investment decisions,long-tern financial decisions and short-tern financial decisions,the cost of
capital and capital structure,and dividend policy. Finally describe hybrid and derivative securities and other special topics in managerial finance.