朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Money & Banking 貨幣銀行學

當期課號 3047 Course Number 3047
授課教師 許光華 Instructor HSU,KUANG HUA
中文課名 貨幣銀行學 Course Name Money & Banking
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程於第一學期講授之內容包含四個主題分別是貨幣與銀行簡介、金融市場簡介、商業銀行的資金來源與運作以及中央銀行的運作與制度。 Objectives This course will use economic tools such as supply and demand analysis, the theory of the firms, the economics of information, game theory, rational expectations, and AD/AS to analyze the banking system and the effects of The Central Bank policies on it.
教材 沈中華,貨幣銀行學-全球的觀點,新陸書局,2002年。

Frederic S. Mishkin, "The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets," 7th edition。 Addison-Wesley,2003。(華泰書局代理,電話:02-2377-3877. 或透過朝陽大學書店訂購)
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考試或報告:30%. 期末考試:40%. 出席,討論和作業: 30%. Grading Midterm exam: 45%; final exam: 45%; classroom participation: 10%.
教學內容 本課程分上,下兩學期講授,以下所列為兩學期課程合併內容.


金融體系簡介. 貨幣的功能,演進與定義. 利率的基本概念. 利率的決定因素. 利率期間結構. 貨幣需求. 銀行業的結構與競爭. 銀行管理. 外匯市場. 聯邦準備系統. 貨幣供給過程. 強力貨幣與貨幣乘數. 貨幣政策工具.
Syllabus (Combined two-semester syllabus)

Introduction of the financial system. The definition, evolution, and functions of money. The interest rate. The determination of interest rates. The risk and term structure of interest rates. The demand for money. The velocity of money. The structure of banking industry. Bank management. Foreign exchange market. The Federal Reserve System. Money supply process. High-powered money and money multipliers. Tools of monetary policy.