朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Legal English 法律英文

當期課號 1807 Course Number 1807
授課教師 王馬克 Instructor O'BRIEN,MARK WILLIAM
中文課名 法律英文 Course Name Legal English
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 在這門課中,學生將習得一般商業文件中慣用的法律用語。課程將包括實際應用的部份,讓學生在學習一般專業術語的同時了解基本法律理論和交易型態(使課程不只是單字教學) Objectives In this course, students will learn common legal terms used frequently in commercial documents. The course will include a practical element, where students will learn basic legal theory and transaction types while learning general terminology (making it more than just a "vocabulary" course).
教材 Texts: Copies of Materials Supplied by the Instructor Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考40%,期末考40%,課堂參與20%,學生需注意課堂參與成績將以A-至B或是C-至B-方式計算。缺席將會影響課堂參與,也極力推薦課前預習閱讀。 Grading Grades: Final Exam 40%, Mid-term 40%, Participation 20%
Students should note that class participation can amount to a difference in a letter grade (an A down to a B, or a C- up to a B-). It is difficult to participate if you are absent. Reading the lesson prior to class is also highly recommended.
教學內容 此課程將授予法律概論課程,課程重點除了強調字彙能力還包含了解基本的法律概念,尤其是商業法律。 Syllabus Approach: The course will be taught as a Legal Survey course with emphasis, not only on vocabulary, but also understanding basic concepts of law, particularly Business Law.