朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
English Writing IV 英文寫作(四)

當期課號 1802 Course Number 1802
授課教師 尼克利 Instructor PAZDERIC,NICKOLA LEE
中文課名 英文寫作(四) Course Name English Writing IV
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 以正確方式作文,學習寫作正確的句子、邏輯思考、感情與句型及句型變化之配合、學習句子之後, 學習段落結構。最後學習作文步驟。 Objectives Correctly writing a good composition is the goal. First of all, the students are required to write correct sentences. Then they should know how to write various sentence types to convey their logical thoughts and feelings. After sentences, they are required to write excellent paragraphs. Finally, they learn the steps to write an excellent composition.
教材 The instructor will read the best essays on a regular basis; so, if you are uncomfortable with such readings, please indicate that you wish your essay not be read to the class. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 The essays will count for 70% of the final grade. 20% of the final grade will be determined by the quality and quantity of journal work that you do during the course. Students are expected to keep a jounal of observatons about the social world during the semester. The remaining 10% will be determinded by participation. Regular attendance is required. Grading 100% perfect
50% fail
教師網頁 pazderic@mail.cyut.edu.tw
教學內容 In this class, which will be considered a writing workshop, we will practice writing, rewriting, and critical reasoning.
Each week, students will spend one hour of class time writing on a subject chosen by the instructor. The other and first hour will be given to lecture. Students will take the essays they have written home and correct them-rewriting them and typing them for formal submission to the teacher. These revision, with the original, must be turned into the instructor's mail box by Monday at noon. Late papers are not allowed.
Syllabus w1 writing practice
W2 lecture
W3 reading essay
W4 Writing practice
W5 lecture
W6 reading essay
w7 writing practice
W8 lecture
W9 reading essay
W10 writing practice
W11 lecture
W12 reading essay
W13 writing practice
W14 lecture
W15 reading essay
W16 writing practice
W17 lecture
W18 reading essay
W19 writing practice
W20 lecture