朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Color Theory 色彩學

當期課號 1715 Course Number 1715
授課教師 陳美合 Instructor CHEN,MEI HO
中文課名 色彩學 Course Name Color Theory
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1. 了解基本色彩原理並運用於影視美術設計(知識)
2. 運用色彩原理於影視服裝化妝(技能)
3. 培養對色彩的敏感度(態度)
4. 將色彩經驗落實於日常生活中創造美感環境(其他)
Objectives 1. Understand the basic principles of color and apply them in film and video art direction (knowledge).
2. Use color theory to design garments and make-up in films (skills) 3. Develop color sensitivity (development) 4. Understand the color experience in daily life and in surrounding environments (other)
教材 應用色彩學 歐秀明著  
現代色彩學 林昆範 柯凱人編譯 Modern Color Co-ordination Theory
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席率及作業40% 期中作品發表30% 期末作品展30% Grading present and exercice :40% Mid exam: 30% Final exam: 30%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~meiho
教學內容 本課程的教學目標為增進同學們對色彩的敏感度 除基本色彩理論介紹之外,希望同學們能將其應用在日常生活當中 。如城鄉景觀色彩。實務課程包含電影劇服之色彩服裝設計及製作,以中西方傳統服飾縫製配色。彩妝部份則介紹舞台妝、攝影妝、新娘化妝等。 Syllabus Introduction of the basic theory and development and how they can be applied to our daily life; training in image creation; fostering sensitivity in colour; presentation of colour experience found in different countries; and how through imaginative application of colours drama, emotions and atmosphere can be created. The program will include study and practice of costume design and production; Eastern and Western fashion creation; make-up and cosmetic art for theater, photography and weddings.