朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
Information and Life 資訊與生活

當期課號 0224 Course Number 0224
授課教師 羅有隆 Instructor LO,YU LUNG
中文課名 資訊與生活 Course Name Information and Life
開課單位 跨院通識(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Intercollegiate General Education Topics
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 身處在一個資訊時代,每一位知識工作者都致力於電腦資訊服務,包括資訊的創造、運用、操作與傳播‧本課程將介紹同學了解目前的資訊技術,資訊相關的倫理標準,以及社會對使用資訊的道德標準等‧ Objectives The aim of this course is to train the students with the knowledge of Information Technology. It helps the students live in an information society where the knowledge workers put their energies to provide a cornucopia of computer-based information service. Also, it helps the students cope with and understand today's information technology so that students can take their place in the information society.
教材 無教科書,隨上課進度提供上課資料。 Teaching Materials Providing in class.
成績評量方式 期中考 25%, 期末考 25%, 出席 20%, 作業 30% Grading Midterm exam 25%, Final exam 25%, Attendance 20%, Assignment 30%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~yllo
教學內容 1. 0與1的數位世界:計算機的基本原理
2. 資訊設備介紹:選購資訊產品的考量,與未來趨勢
3. 網路地球村:網路使用基本原理,政府與社會資訊化現況
4. 網路在生活上的應用:電子商務、VoIP、VOD…
5. 資訊倫理、智慧財產權、網路安全
6. 個人網頁建置
7. 電腦保健
8. 影片欣賞與討論
Syllabus The aim of this course is to train the students with the knowledge of Information Technology. It helps the students live in an information society where the knowledge workers put their energies to provide a cornucopia of computer-based information service. Also, it helps the students cope with and understand today’s information technology so that students can take their place in the information society.