朝陽科技大學 094學年度第2學期教學大綱
For the needs of study and employment Writing Skills 就學就業文書寫作

當期課號 0217 Course Number 0217
授課教師 黃翠芬 Instructor HUANG,TSUI FENG
中文課名 就學就業文書寫作 Course Name For the needs of study and employment Writing Skills
開課單位 實用中文課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Practical Writing Skills
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 訓練學生運用本國語文表達之能力,使學生具備撰寫各類文書之常識,並諳熟各類應用文書撰寫之要領,因應就學、就業之需,加強相關文類之撰作知能。 Objectives Training students to have the fundamental expressing ability of languages. Making them to have the general knowledge of all documents writing, and be well-skilled in the essentials of applied documents writing. For the needs of study and employment, enhancing the writing ability of being related to styles of writing.
教材 應用文 黃俊郎編 三民書局\
應用文 謝海平編 空大用書\
應用文 蔡信發編 國文天地萬卷樓\
實用應用文 沉惠如等編 今古書局\
應用文 張仁青編 三民書局\
自編講義 \實例編輯
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期考50%
Grading Exams: 60% Exercises: 40% Cutting classes deducts 3-5 points of total each time.
教學內容 本課程從瞭解文書特性、修辭技巧、體認一般文書寫作要點,而後開展各種實用文書寫作,從如何寫出令人印象深刻的自傳、履歷表、正確的封文、得體的書信、自薦及推薦信、名片和便條、以及函、簽、公告、會議文書、書狀、廣告、啟事、題辭、柬帖、禮品題詞等,或涉及到採訪與編輯寫作。此外,因應學生就學就業,特加強學術報告、研究計劃,讀書計畫書,企劃書,以及公職考試公文與論文的訓練,以有效提升競爭實力,增加就學就業的機會。 Syllabus Weeks 1-3 Introduction to the course/ A faint simple: sealing writing of letters/
Study and employment: contents of letters.
Weeks 4-6 Catch at shadows-indulge in groundless suspicion: covering and editing/ The mother of articles: writing the press release/ Talking prose and writing short writing.
Weeks 7-9 Showing off oneself: resumes/ Every sides: profiles/ Midterm exam.
Weeks10-12 Common documents: name cards, notes and fore words/ How to write the semester reports/ Studying plans and recommendations.
Weeks13-15 Occupational documents: asking for leave and resigning/ Project books/ Documents summarizing.
Weeks16-18 Exercises of letters/ Final exam.