朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Administrative Law 行政法

當期課號 9041 Course Number 9041
授課教師 周志鴻 Instructor ,
中文課名 行政法 Course Name Administrative Law
開課單位 法政與社會課群(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Jurisprudence And Social Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 使修習本課程之學生奠定行政法學知識的良好基礎,進而瞭解受社會思潮與時代環境轉變所影響之行政法制體系;並闡釋法治行政的理想,以培養學生崇法守法及尊重自由、平等與人權的精神。另有志於公職考試之學生亦可藉本課程之修習,提升本科行政法及相關科目(如行政學、人事行政、法學緒論及憲法等)之應考能力。 Objectives The aim of the course is to establish a solid basis for the understanding of Administration Law. Students who complete this course will gain an appreciation of how the orientation of the society and the environment brings about changes to the Administration Law system, as well as a perception of the ideal “rule of law” society. In essence, the course is intended to help students develop a respectful attitude towards freedom, equality, and human rights before the law.
This course also offers a good preparation for students who wish to participate in governmental exams that include subjects such as Public Administration, Personnel Management, Introduction to Law, and Constitution of R.O.C.
教材 1.張家洋著,《行政法》,增訂三版,三民書局(民91年)。2.吳庚著,《行政法理論與實用》,增訂七版,三民書局(民90年)。3.《行政程序法相關法令解釋彙編2001》,增訂版,北市府法規委員會編印(民90年11月)。 4.許志雄等,《月旦法學教室(3)公法學篇》,元照出版公司,2002年2月,初版1刷。5.其他補充資料。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平時成績40%(含測驗﹑討論情形及到課狀況) 2.期中考30% 3.期末考30% Grading 1.Ordinary Performance (Quizes﹑Participation and Attendance) 40%
2. Mid-term 30% 3. Final Exam 30%
教學內容 行政法乃國內公法性質,以國家行政權為對象,規範行政組織、職權、作用、業務、爭訟等法制及人民在行政權下之權利義務的各種有關法規之總稱。行政法學即以行政法的理論及其一般性重要制度為研究對象的科學。本課程以國內行政法學總論的傳統範圍為主體,輔以各論部分內容之精要,將主要內容分為行政法的基本法理、行政組織、行政作用、行政救濟等四大部分,進行講授。 Syllabus Administration Law is a set of Public Law. It focuses on the administrative powers that direct the structure, authority, function, obligation, as well as the right of action of the administration. It covers all rules and laws relating to the citizens’ administrative rights and duties in R.O.C. The study of Administration Law includes all fundamental theories and important systems specified within the Law. This course has a similar scope as that of “The General Theory of the Administration Law of R.O.C.”. The course is divided into four sections including the basic theory, the administrative organization, the function, and the remedy of Administrative Law. Each section is covered in precise detail throughout the course.