朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Human Resource Management in Non-profit Organization 非營利組織人力資源管理

當期課號 3694 Course Number 3694
授課教師 吳敏欣 Instructor WU,MIN HSIN
中文課名 非營利組織人力資源管理 Course Name Human Resource Management in Non-profit Organization
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在探討非營利組織人力資源管理之相關理論,實務及發展問題;學生能夠深刻體認非營利組織之公益精神,及其與公民社會之關聯;並透過個案研究瞭解人力資源管理實務。 Objectives The major purpose of this course is to explore the human resources management related theory, practice a nd developmental problem in non-profit organization. Students will better understand the spirit of public interests in non-profit organization and its relationship with the civil society.
教材 社區發展季刊、非營利部門組織與運作等相關書籍 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.課堂出席;2.課程討論;3.期中考試;4.期末考試; Grading 1.Attendance;2.Class discussion;3.Mid-term exam;4.final exam
教學內容 1.透過老師的講解及文章的閱讀,學生需要明白何謂非營利組織及人力資源之管理。
Syllabus 1.Students have to realize what is non-profit organization and the management of human resources.
2.Students have to understand why human resource is the important issue and effect element in non-profit organizations.
3.Students have to discuss in class and share the practical experiences about management or human resources issues.