朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Comparative Research in Child Care 各國幼兒教保比較研究

當期課號 3576 Course Number 3576
授課教師 林鴻璋 Instructor HONG,CHANG LIN
中文課名 各國幼兒教保比較研究 Course Name Comparative Research in Child Care
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)五B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 世界各國家居於種族文化、宗教信仰、生活習慣、教育目標之不同,對於幼兒教保制度與發展,各有不同之特色,本課程之目標在建立學生比較教育研究之能力,比較不同國家之幼兒教保制度及各項議題,經由描述比較後加以評論,得知其優缺點,讓同學成為具備國際觀的幼兒教保工作者。 Objectives The system and development of child care education is so different in every country, because each country contains different races, culture, religion, living styles, and education objective. The main purpose of this course is to help students gaining the ability of comparative education research and being a child care education worker with international vision by comparing child care education systems and issues in different countries. First of all, comment on description comparison, and then we can learn the fit and unfit of it.
教材 自編教材。蔡延治(2002).Discovery 教保專題.華騰文化。霍力岩(2002).比較幼兒教育.五南圖書。蔡春美、謝智玲、洪福財(2004).幼兒教保概論.五南圖書。林鴻璋(2004).台商投資大陸幼兒園經營策略之個案研究.台中:駿業。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 上課參與/出席10%、分組討論10%、平時作業20%、期中報告30%、期末報告30% Grading 1. Class participation and attendance 10% .2. Panel discussion 10% .3. Assignments 20% .4. Midterm presentation 30% .5. Final presentation 30%
教學內容 本課程運用比較教育研究方法,從暸解我國幼兒教保制度發展與現況,並認識世界各主要國家幼兒教保概況,包括美國、英國、義大利、澳洲、加拿大、北歐國家等,與及東南亞地區日本、中國大陸、新加坡、香港……等,探討各國幼兒教保制度與現況 ,針對議題並列比較後,提出意見討論,經由他國之經驗成為我們發展幼兒教保工作的借鏡。 Syllabus The lessons Comparative education research method,We can understand child care education system development and situation in our country. To know education general situation. It is include the U.S.A, England, Italy, Australia, Canada, Northern Europe And Southeast Asia, Japan, China, Singapore, Hong Kong .To probe child care education system and current situation. To be aimed at topic for discussion, express opinion to discuss, we can use another country experience to learn a lesson from another person’s experience to become our development in Child Care.