朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Readings in British and American Literature 英美文學導讀

當期課號 3535 Course Number 3535
授課教師 李延熹 Instructor LEE,YAN SHEI
中文課名 英美文學導讀 Course Name Readings in British and American Literature
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程的目的在於提供學生對於英美文學(包含古典文學以及當代文學)之基礎認識。課程範圍涵擴了西元前的希臘文學及之後的各種文化(如羅馬文學)等。除了探討西方文學的起源, 課程將介紹西方文學之發展歷史、各種主流的文學體裁(如神話、史詩、悲劇、喜劇、詩歌、小說等)以及比較文學理論理論。課程的的首要目標除了希望提高學生對於西方文學中諸般重要文本的熟悉,也希望培養學生具有對於英美文學作品中所反映出西方文化的鑑賞力。 Objectives This course aims at introducing students to English and American literature, including the classical and the contemporary literature. It covers literary works over a time span of more than two thousand years (i.e. Greek and Roman literature). Besides ancient literary history, the main frames are the development of western literature, the major literary genres—mythology, epic, drama, poetry and novel, and the studies of comparative literature. The ultimate purpose is for the students to become not only familiar with the major texts of western literature but also appreciative of the cultural cultivation of English and American literature.
教材 Dragonwings
Giner Pye
The Final Cut
Heart of Darkness [CD included]
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考 30%
期末考 30%
報告 40%
Grading midterm 30%
final 30%
report 40%
教學內容 本學期同學必須研讀五本基礎文學作品 其中的 [黑暗之心]附有 CD 同學必須聽懂 且於期末做口頭報告 Syllabus Students have to read five novels in this semester as a basic requirement. Besides, there is a CD inlcuded in [Heart of Darkness]. Students have to listen to it carefully and give us a final oral report on this work at the end of semester.