朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Advanced Scriptwriting 進階編劇方法

當期課號 3503 Course Number 3503
授課教師 林念生 Instructor LIN,NIEN SHENG
中文課名 進階編劇方法 Course Name Advanced Scriptwriting
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1. 分析專業編劇的方法(知識)
2. 進階編劇的寫作技巧(技能)
3. 培養編劇應有的素養(態度)
4. 編劇在影片製作中的角色定位與劇組合作方式(其他)
Objectives 1. Analyze professional scriptwriting methods (knowledge) 2. Learn advanced scriptwriting skills (skills) 3. Cultivate the qualities of a successful screenwriter (development) 4. Learn how to cooperate with the film production crew and other members of the creative team (other)
教材 Lectures Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 a final screenplay Grading 100%
教學內容 進階編劇方法為編劇課程之延伸。課程內容包括:影視視覺媒體之特性,與文字媒體之差異、劇本之格式與類型、影視劇本創作之構思、影視劇本創作之「柱子理論」與「三S原理」、影視劇本創作前之研究,田野調查、撰寫故事主題與綱要(Synopsis)、撰寫故事大綱(Treatment)、撰寫分場大綱、介紹情節之安排,人物個性,衝突,高潮,開場,結尾等元素之創作方法、劇本初稿,二稿….定稿 Syllabus The content of the course includes: an introduction to the characteristics of visual media and the distinction between screenplay and novel, the format, the creative idea, the structures , the 3S,research and filed study, subject, theme, and synopsis, the treatment , plot, character, conflict and resolution, opening and closing, the 1st draft , 2nd draft and final script.