朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
3D CG Modeling and Rendering 3D建模與渲染

當期課號 3462 Course Number 3462
授課教師 黃俊明 Instructor HUANG,CHUN MING
中文課名 3D建模與渲染 Course Name 3D CG Modeling and Rendering
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.培養學生在3D建模與渲染之獨立執行能力。
2.使學生熟悉多邊形建模、角色建模、自由曲線建模、色彩、質感、貼圖、UV貼圖拆解,燈光 及渲染等。
Objectives The goal of this class is to provide students with the ability and knowledge to be able to independently execute a portfolio of their work in 3D modeling and rendering. The class will cover polygon modeling, character modeling, NURBS modeling, color, texture, mapping, UV texture mapping, lighting, and rendering. Students with some experience in 3D modeling and rendering will benefit from learning more about the problem-solving aspects of 3D modeling and rendering on real world case.
教材 MAYA 4.X 電腦動畫驚爆點/黃俊明、陳志強/上奇
Learning Maya/SYBEX
Instant Maya/SYBEX
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時(40%), 期中(30%), 期末(30%)平時含出席率( 10%),報告(30%) Grading Normal(40%), mid-term(30%), final(30%).
教學內容 教學內容:本學期教學內容主要在3D電腦動畫建模與渲染。以實際上線操作使學生對曲面模型、多邊形建模、人物建模、自由曲線建模、有機建模、材質上色、打燈應用等有基本之了解。 Syllabus The syllabus of this semester is focusing on 3D computer modeling and rendering for animation. With basic computer operation and training, students have basic understandings for surface modeling, polygon modeling, character modeling, NURBS modeling, organic modeling, surface shading, and lighting application.