朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
National Security and Defense Technology 國家安全與科技

當期課號 2335 Course Number 2335
授課教師 黃志傑 Instructor HUANG,ZHI JIE
中文課名 國家安全與科技 Course Name National Security and Defense Technology
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 軍訓一年級上學期必修課程,包括:國家安全、國防科技、三軍概要。國家安全:政治與國家安全、經濟與國家安全、軍事與國家安全、危機處理與國家安全;國防科技:戰甲車、戰艦、戰機、飛彈、電子戰、核生化;三軍概要:認識陸、海、空軍,陸、海、空軍作戰,陸、海、空軍未來發展。 Objectives 1th year semester of a half required course comprise : national safety , defense of science and engineering , indicated that the army , navy , air force . national safety : political & national safety , economics & national safety , national defense & national safety , danger to safe & national safety ; defense of science and engineering ; battle tanks & fighting vehicles , battle ship , battle aircraft , missile , c4i of introduction , nuclear weapon , battle biology , battle chemistry ; indicated that the army , navy , air force : army , navy , air force of introduction , defense & fighting , army , navy , air force of development .
教材 教材:
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 成績評量方式:
第一階段評量方式一、以平時成績(出缺席、課堂秩序及發言等)佔15% 二、報告成績佔15% 三、期末考實施評量佔20%
Grading Grading:
Grading in second stage 1. ordinary results 15% 2. Presentation results 15% 3. final test 20%
教學內容 教學內容:
Syllabus Syllabus:
Our courses divided to two stages, first stage is brief outline of the armed forces with 18 hours that introduce the land forces, sea forces and air forces respectively. Second stage is the theory of nation secure that last for 18 hours, introduce the factors that affect the nation secure like politics, economic, military factors and how to handle the crisis