朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Exceptional Children's Development and Care 特殊嬰幼兒發展與保育

當期課號 2163 Course Number 2163
授課教師 何東墀 Instructor HO,DONG CHYR
中文課名 特殊嬰幼兒發展與保育 Course Name Exceptional Children's Development and Care
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由幼兒發展與保育的基礎上,讓同學瞭解特殊幼兒身體的、心理的發展狀況,而由認識特殊幼兒的類型,來學習了解特殊幼兒所經歷的成長過程,讓特殊的幼兒也能與一般幼兒一樣在社會的環境中成長。 Objectives The course is based on development, education, and care of the young children, and help students have a better understanding of the physical and psychological development of children with special needs. Domains of development will cover different types of special children to help the students know the developmental processes of these special children. Key topics and concepts of inclusive education will be discussed to help special students grow in regular societal environments as general children do.
教材 特殊幼兒教育(張嘉紓等):永大書局 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中考及期末考
Grading 1.midterm and final exams.
2.class performance and learning motivation.
教學內容 涵蓋各類特殊幼兒的介紹,如:定義、身心特徵ˋ教育策略及保育方式,針對特殊幼兒之家長能產生同理心,同時對優生學有正確的觀念 Syllabus This course will introduce the categories of exceptional children at early childhood and the strategies of education and care-giving. This course expects the students will develop the empathy for the families of exceptional children and the correct ideas of eugenics.