朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Architectural Design(V) 建築設計(五)

當期課號 1770 Course Number 1770
授課教師 邱英浩 Instructor CHIU,YIN HAO
中文課名 建築設計(五) Course Name Architectural Design(V)
開課單位 建築系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 培養學生對於建築群類型的設計能力,以及對公共及商業等類型建築的尺度掌握,動線與機能安排,設計方法流程的訓練,敷地計畫的應用,細部處理等,使學生對中大型建築物(群)設計能有進一步的了解。 Objectives This course is designed to connect the architectural design studies from sophomore to senior in a four-year university. The contents of design projects cover from middle scale cases to large ones. The aim is to explore students’ design abilities in depth to comprehend overall design process through site analyses, design concepts, and even urban design criteria.
教材 由各指導老師指定.建築設計資料集成,建築師、空間.台灣建築.Dialogue、新建築、AD等建築雜誌 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 .平時成績(含快速設計)20%,第一次設計40%,第二次設計40% Grading First design project 40%, Second design project 40%, Attendance 20%
教學內容 中大型公共性單棟建築(如美術館、博物館、複合式辦公大樓、
Syllabus This course is designed to connect the architectural design studies from sophomore to senior in a four-year university. The contents of design projects cover from middle scale cases to large ones. The aim is to explore students’ design abilities in depth to comprehend overall design process through site analyses, design concepts, and even urban design methods.