朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Solid Waste Management 固體廢棄物管理

當期課號 1703 Course Number 1703
授課教師 羅煌木 Instructor LO,HUANG MU
中文課名 固體廢棄物管理 Course Name Solid Waste Management
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 透過本課程,讓學生瞭解固體廢棄物基本特性與處理現況,藉由廢棄物處理問題的特性,研討廢棄物處理技術及管理範疇,並藉以瞭解廢物減量及資源化的知識。本課程主要包括:廢棄物之定義,廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法之探討,固體廢棄物來源、型式、組成及性質,收集及清運,廢棄物分類、前處理(資源回收及再利用與減廢技術)、貯存及處理,焚化處理技術,掩埋處置技術,固化處理技術,生化處理技術,有害廢棄物清理與管理。 Objectives The objective of this course is to provide students to understand the solid waste management issues. The subjects of the course will include: the definition of solid waste; Introduction to Waste Treatment and Disposal Act, and Resource Recovery and Reuse Regulation; Waste source and property; collection and transportation; pretreatment (resource recovery and reuse, waste minimization); storage and treatment; incineration treatment; landfill disposal; solidification; biotreatment; hazardous waste engineering and management.
教材 Georage Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A. Vigil. "Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues." The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1993. 參考書籍: 1. 謝錦松及黃正義,「固體廢棄物處理」,修訂五版,高立圖書公司,90年。 2. P. Aarne Vesilind, et al. “Solid Waste Engineering”. Brooks/Cole. 2002. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席率10%,平常考25%,期中考30%,期末考35%。 Grading Class participation 10%, quiz 25%, mid-term examination 30%, final examination 35%.
教學內容 本課程主要包括:廢棄物之定義,廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法之探討,固體廢棄物來源、型式、組成及性質,收集及清運,廢棄物分類、前處理(資源回收及再利用與減廢技術)、貯存及處理,焚化處理技術,掩埋處置技術,固化處理技術,生化處理技術,有害廢棄物清理與管理。 Syllabus The subjects of the course will include: the definition of solid waste; Introduction to Waste Treatment and Disposal Act, and Resource Recovery and Reuse Regulation; Waste source and property; collection and transportation; pretreatment (resource recovery and reuse, waste minimization); storage and treatment; incineration treatment; landfill disposal; solidification; biotreatment; hazardous waste engineering and management.