朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special Topic and Practice(II) 實習及實務專題(二)

當期課號 1512 Course Number 1512
授課教師 鄭道明 Instructor CHENG,TAO MING
中文課名 實習及實務專題(二) Course Name Special Topic and Practice(II)
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課成為延續實習及實務專題(一)之課程,學生須臾暑期至校外實習,並口頭報告且繳交心得報告。 Objectives This course fellows the special and practica (I) .The student who take this course should have a summer intership outside the campus and have to present his experience and complete a report.
教材 (1)混凝土工程設計規範與解說/
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時測驗20%、設計專題製作60%、出缺席20% Grading Quiz 20%/
Design project 60%/
Class performance 20%/
教學內容 本課程為營建操作實習課程之第二階段;主要在進行一般房屋結構之鋼筋混凝土設計,使學生瞭解RC結構設計的步驟,包括建築物基本設計、細部設計(含基礎、樑、柱及版等構件)及施工注意事項。同時,檢討先前設計作品之優劣,加以改進。本課程將以分組方式,各自完成一簡單房屋結構設計專題。 Syllabus This course is the second part of the course -- practice of construction Lab.. The content mainly includes the design work of an RC building. Student who takes this course will be familiar with the design steps, including preliminary design, detail design and construction techniques. A review task of a former building design will also be done. Finally, each student will have to complete a simple building design at the end of semester.