朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
English Reading 英文閱讀

當期課號 0069 Course Number 0069
授課教師 鄭巧莉 Instructor CHENG,CHIAO LI
中文課名 英文閱讀 Course Name English Reading
開課單位 主題英文課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in English
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 大二”英文閱讀”以下列幾種不同的閱讀過程來引導學生 -- 解讀過程, 視覺引導過程, 思考性過程, 心理語言學過程, 整體認知過程, 以及科技過程等過程來學習新的閱讀領域. 再者, 分析文章結構, 解釋字辭關係, 例如 文章主要子句, 支持句, 結語; 字首, 字尾, 字根, 同義字,與反義字等等, 都是英文閱讀學習者, 不可不知的要點. 藉由閱讀不同主題的文章, 訓練學生熟悉各類型文章及其相對應之閱讀技巧, 字彙及句型反覆出現 習題多變化 以提高閱讀成效. Objectives The reading process is a complicated act the involves the following processes: a decoding process, a visual process, a thinking process, a psycholinguistic process, a metacognitive process, and a technological process. Merely sounding out words is not reading. The curriculum of English reading for sophomores covers, first, the structure of a standard essay, such as the opening paragraph with topic sentence, supporting paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph. Later, “vocabulary development” will be introduced, including “word relations”, such as prefix, suffix, word roots, synonyms, antonyms, associations, homonyms/homophones, homographs, classifications, multiple meanings, and denotative-connotative meanings. In addition, authentic reading materials selected from novels, personal experiences, editorials, commercial, scientific reading materials, as well as newspaper, magazines, and articles will be covered. Furthermore, language learning strategies and academic power strategies will be integrated in this course.
教材 1. Allen, Sandra, Christopher Green, Philip Leetch and Morag Reive. The Active Reader: Reading for Meaning 1. Hong Kong: Macmillan, 2000.
2. Handouts
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1、出席率、上課參與率及預習佔學期成績50%
Grading 1. Class participation, attendance and preview (50%): you are expected to come to class on time and preview the material for that day.
2. Quizzes (10%): quizzes will be given randomly.
3. Mid-term exam (20%) and final exam (20%).
教師網頁 e-mail address: ccl94013@ms31.hinet.net
教學內容 第一週: 前言;
第二週: 第一章;
第三週: 第三章;
第四週: 第五章;
第五週: 第六章;
第六週: 第七章;
第七週: 第八章;
第八週: 第九章;
第九週: 期中考;
第十週: 第十章;
第十一週: 十一章;
第十二週: 第十二章;
第十三週: 第十三章;
第十四週: 同上;
第十五週: 第十四章;
第十六週: 第十六章;
第十七週: 第十七章;
第十八週: 期末考
Syllabus Week 1: Introduction.
Week 2: Chapter 1: Freedom for Keiko.
Week 3: Chapter 3: Skyscrapers.
Week 4: Chapter 5: Coca-Cola.
Week 5: Chapter 6: The Green Machines.
Week 6:Chapter 7: The Coelacanth.
Week 7: Chapter 8: Lake Baikal.
Week 8: Chapter 9: Monopoly.
Week 9: Mid-term.
Week 10: Chapter 10: Shakespeare.
Week 11: Chapter 11: Hollywood.
Week 12: Chapter 12: The All-American Burger.
Week 13: Chapter 13: The Olympics.
Week 14: Ditto.
Week 15: Chapter 14: Nature’s Cure.
Week 16: Chapter 16: Alcoholism in the Wild.
Week 17: Chapter 17: Famous Tricksters.
Week 18: Final