朝陽科技大學 094學年度第1學期教學大綱
Writing of Documents and Papers 論文與公文寫作

當期課號 0036 Course Number 0036
授課教師 陳昌遠 Instructor ,
中文課名 論文與公文寫作 Course Name Writing of Documents and Papers
開課單位 實用中文課群(二日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Practical Writing Skills
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程分成兩大部分:一、日常應用文,二、論文寫作
一、 日常應用文: 文明日進,人事益繁,為因應繁複的人事,故有應用文之產生。本課程將對各類應用文之作法,以及性質、用途、結構、款式及用語等,加以詳細說明後再列舉各種實際的範例,來增強同學對應用文的了解。

二、 論文寫作:有效利用圖書館和各種檢索系統工具,學習正式報告的格式,以原則性的通則為闡述方針,為學生提供製作專題及論文提供引導,培養學生獨立學習、研究之能力並協助指導完成一份論文研究計畫書。
Objectives The course consists of two parts: (1) practical writing and (2) thesis writing. For the first part, we hope to improve students" writing in daily life. In the second part, we wish to enhance students" ability to write thesis and, thereby, help students to do their researches.
教材 1、《現代應用文書》黃湘陽主編,洪葉出版社。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考試30%
Grading 1.class discussing 30%. 2.paper 40% 3.finnal exam. 30%
教師網頁 http:/web.nchu.edu.tw/~libidochen/
教學內容 本課程之教學內容有二:一為現代日常生活中所應具備之公文寫作;二為學術論文與讀書報告之寫作指引,期使同學能實際運用所學於所需。 Syllabus The purpose of the course is to improve the students’ ability to express themselves in “Practical Chinese”. The course is designed for the need of the real word. Using a variety of media, the course trains the students to write and speak well in the modern working environment.