朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Appreciation and analysis of drama and theatre arts 戲劇賞析

當期課號 9807 Course Number 9807
授課教師 吳鷰儀 Instructor WU,YEN YI
中文課名 戲劇賞析 Course Name Appreciation and analysis of drama and theatre arts
開課單位 生活智能類(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Life, Society, and Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將由戲劇的起源、形式到發展探索至現代戲劇的發展狀況,戲劇本質的認識到架構戲劇等等。透過劇本選讀及名劇欣賞等,培養學生對於戲劇的鑑賞、評論及敏銳度,小品排練等讓學生在劇場藝術中深刻體驗並且探索自我人生與戲劇的關連性。透過劇場藝術所包含的戲劇、音樂、美術及舞蹈等基本元素,引發學生對於戲劇綜合藝術的興趣,擢升對人生與戲劇的認知,培育自我的戲劇藝術涵養。 Objectives This course provides students with opportunities to understand the history and development of theatre and drama. The purpose of this course is to explore the different kinds theatre arts in the world by introducing the main elements of drama and theatre. Courses about theatre and drama are also provided in order to enhance students’ capability to appreciate, analyze and even create theatre productions.
教材 1.Neil Grant(2002),History of theatre,London:Hamlyn
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.戲劇評論30% 2.小品呈現或口頭報告30% 3.期末考40% Grading 1.Review30% ( Nota Bene!Students will be expected to attend one theatre production during the course of the semester. Participation and class discussion are important; therefore, regular attendance is expected. More than two absences may be reflected in students’ grade.)2.Presentation30%
3.Term exam40%
教學內容 本課程將由戲劇的起源、形式到發展探索至現代戲劇的發展狀況,戲劇本質的認識到架構戲劇等等。透過劇本選讀及名劇欣賞等,培養學生對於戲劇的鑑賞、評論及敏銳度,小品排練等讓學生在劇場藝術中深刻體驗並且探索自我人生與戲劇的關連性。透過劇場藝術所包含的戲劇、音樂、美術及舞蹈等基本元素,引發學生對於戲劇綜合藝術的興趣,擢升對人生與戲劇的認知,培育自我的戲劇藝術涵養。 Syllabus This course provides students with opportunities to understand the history and development of theatre and drama. The purpose of this course is to explore the different kinds theatre arts in the world by introducing the main elements of drama and theatre. Courses about theatre and drama are also provided in order to enhance students’ capability to appreciate, analyze and even create theatre productions.