朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Recreation Resources Management 休閒資源管理研究

當期課號 7690 Course Number 7690
授課教師 陳世明 Instructor CHEN,SHIH MING
中文課名 休閒資源管理研究 Course Name Recreation Resources Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系碩士在職專班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 休閒資源管理將分自然及人文資源二大類,課程中將藉由相關書面及網站介紹國內外休閒資源管理方法及法規。管理之前,要先評估破壞的原因,故本課程將介紹環境影響評估理論及方法,以便瞭解如何對症下藥。並介紹國內外相關資源管理資訊及方法,管理方法包括1.以相關法令,工程或科技預防破壞自然及人文資源,2.以相關法令,工程或科技預防旅遊災害之發生及事故發生後之緊急應變措施。 Objectives This will introduce the potential environmental impacts of the recreation area, such as parks, play grounds, shopping centers, …..and so on.The Law Enforcementof Environmental Impact Assessment does not mean that we cannot develop a new industry. It is to find a good substituble method to reduce the potential impacts caused by tourism development. Besides the theories and practices on Environmental Impact Assessment, the methods of the recretional resources management will also be emphasized.
教材 1.旅遊資源學(1999,雲南大學出版社) 2.旅遊規劃(1999,黃羊山及王建萍) 3.Managing Leisure (Byron Grainger – Jones)ILAM,1999 4.自行編寫之講義 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時成績(出席率、課堂討論、作業)30% 期中考成績30% 期末口頭報告40% Grading Mid exam and oral presentation
教學內容 介紹資源管理概論、 資源調查與評估與生態概念與永續觀光之觀念,講述休閒資源規劃與管理案例分析。 Syllabus Definitions of resource and resource management Inventory and classification Introduction of Ecotourism and Ecology.