朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Consumer Behavior Research 消費者行為研究

當期課號 7628 Course Number 7628
授課教師 林孟璋 Instructor LIN,MEMG JANG
中文課名 消費者行為研究 Course Name Consumer Behavior Research
開課單位 企業管理系碩士在職專班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本學科為行銷管理領域之課程之一.為以需求面導入行銷領域.行銷管理顧客面日漸受重視.修行此課程學生可以明暸.消費者之行為並以實務研討.且提供有關論文之撰寫方向提升研究興。主要內容如下:1.消費者環境分析2.消費者決策過程3.消費者與文化4.消費者與次文化5.消費者態度決策模型。 Objectives This course covers the major research topics of consumer behavior. It provides an assessment of the consumer behavior filed. Topics include: consumer in the marketplace, consumers as individuals, consumers as decision makers, consumers and subculture, consumers and culture, consumers decision process. (3 credit hours)
教材 1.Consumer Behavior Blackwell miniard & Engel合著 華泰 2.消費者行為 葉日武譯 前程企業 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.英文文獻報告:40% 2.書面報告:40% 3.出缺席與上課情形:20% Grading 1.Report of English reading 40% 2.Paper report 40% 3.case study 20%
教學內容 本學科為行銷管理領域之課程之一.為以需求面導入行銷領域.行銷管理顧客面日漸受重視.修行此課程學生可以明暸.消費者之行為並以實務研討.且提供有關論文之撰寫方向提升研究興趣 Syllabus This course covers the major research topics of consumer behavior, it provides an asessment of the consumer behavior filed, topics include: consumer in the marketplace, consumers as individuals, consumers as decision makers, consumers and subculture consumers and culture, consumers decsion process.