朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Topics on Instructional Media and Technologies for Language 多媒體英語教學研究

當期課號 7196 Course Number 7196
授課教師 林曉萍 Instructor LIN,HSIAO PING
中文課名 多媒體英語教學研究 Course Name Topics on Instructional Media and Technologies for Language
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 此課程介紹學生認識各項多媒體軟體和使用技巧,並透過各種不同的方式幫助學生將軟體和技巧應用到教學實務。此一課程的教學方式,是讓學生透過小組專案計劃、課程內容討論、和課堂上的活動,讓學生充分且主動地參與課程學習。 Objectives This course introduces princples of computer-aided language learning (CALL) and various multimedia softwares (web-based and non-webbased) that facilitate language learning and teaching. Techniques and skills introduced will be applied to language teaching. Students will not only know how to use tools to help teach languages, but also why such tools are used.
教材 Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning: 7/e © 2002 | ISBN: 0130305367

各軟體操作手冊; 教師講議; 相關網站資源介紹。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1. Regular attendance: No more than three excused absences will be allowed (20%).
2. Participation: Students are expected to take active part in class discussion (20%).
3. Quizzes (20%).
4. Mid-term Exam (20%)
5. Final Exam (20%).
Grading 1. 出席: 有原因的缺席不可超出三項以上 (20%) 2. 參與: 學生應主動參與課程的討論 (20%) 3. 小考 (20%) 4. 期中考 (20%) 5. 期末考 (20%)
教學內容 此課程介紹學生認識各項多媒體軟體和使用技巧, 並透過各種不同的方式幫助學生將軟體和技巧應用到教學實務。此一課程的教學方式,是讓學生透過小組專案計劃、課程內容討論、和課堂上的活動,讓學生充分且主動地參與課程學習。 Syllabus This course is aimed at introducing to students some multimedia software and techniques, and through repeated practices on different instructional concepts, helping students possess the competence to apply the multimedia software to practical situations. This course is designed so that students will interact actively with the course material -- small group projects, discussion of readings, and in-class activities.