朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Educational Statistics 教育統計學

當期課號 6271 Course Number 6271
授課教師 李克明 Instructor LEE,KEH MING
中文課名 教育統計學 Course Name Educational Statistics
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的目標是希望幫助學生能夠對於次數分配、集中量數、變異量數、相對地位量數…等基礎性的統計方法,具有正確的統計概念,以便能夠正確地運用統計方法。 Objectives The objectives of the course are to help students to acquire correct statistical concepts and to use statistical methods accurately for fundamental statistical methods. The fundamental statistical methods include frequency distribution, measures of central location, measures of variation, measures of relative position, etc.
教材 1.余民寧(2005)。心理與教育統計學。台北:三民書局。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.出席與課堂討論10%
Grading 1.Class attendance and discussion. 10% 2.Assignments. 30%
3.Midterm exam. 30%
4.Final exam. 30%
教學內容 本課程以描述統計的範圍與推論統計的基本觀念為主要內容,強調較常使用的精簡各類資料的統計方法,與資料分析的理論基礎及應用。授課重點包括資料的整理與摘要、集中與變異量數的涵義及其關係、常態分配與標準分數、相關與迴歸。 Syllabus This course is designed to cover the whole body of descriptive statistics and some basic concept of inferential statistics. The statistical methods, including theoretical foundations and applications, used commonly in different types of data are the most emphasized. Principal topics, in order of presentation, include frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variability, normal distributions and standard scores, correlation and regression.