朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Screenplays Reading 劇本選讀

當期課號 6187 Course Number 6187
授課教師 党永順 Instructor  
中文課名 劇本選讀 Course Name Screenplays Reading
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
Objectives 1. Understand the different types and styles of screenplays (knowledge) 2. Analyze screenplays and become aware of screenwriting skills (skills)
3. Identify professional screenwriting methods and techniques (development)
4. Compare and contrast different methods of developing narrative in scripts (other)
教材 自編教材 (Instructor-Compiled Materials) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中報告 (40%)
出席率與課堂參與 (30%)
Grading Midterm Paper (40%)
Final Group Presentation on DV (30%)
Attendance and Participation (30%)
教學內容 課程目標:本課程期使學生重視兩項議題:1. 在處理相同題材時,電影如何獨立於小說/戲劇等原著對電影文本的影響;2. 不同導演面對不同的劇本敘事方式,如何整合成統一的影像風格。

Syllabus Course Objective: This class will address two issues in script reading: a) How the quality of a film could be measured in direct proportion to its independence of the impact by literary or theatrical adaptation; b) How a filmmaker integrates the narrative formats from various original sources into his/her own unique film style.

Course Description: Taking an in-depth study of the works of Bunuel, Pasolini, Resnais, Kurosawa, and Hitchcock, the course is profoundly about the state of academic script inquiry: how a filmmaker plausibly takes advantage of the visual images to transgress, refute, rewrite, parody, travesty, and question the narrative context and subtext.