朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Mathematics for Insurance 保險數學

當期課號 4127 Course Number 4127
授課教師 徐璧君 Instructor HSU,PI CHUN
中文課名 保險數學 Course Name Mathematics for Insurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 本課程以介紹人壽保險的數理計算為主,由保險費的計算基礎開始,進而介紹實務上如何計算保險費、責任準備金、解約金等,搭配壽管人員考題解說,不管對於觀念的釐清及考證照都有很大的幫助
2. 使學生能熟悉保險數理之計算,進而考取證照
3. 使學生具保險金融從業人員之專業態度
4. 可做為學生未來進修之基礎
Objectives 1. The main focus is to introduce mathematic calculation inline insurance from basis of life insurance premium to how it is calculated in practice. We make students understand policy reserve and surrender value along with explanations on questions of life insurance management personnel. The knowledge help a lot in clarifing ideas and obtaining certificates.
2. Enabling students to be familiar with calculation of mathematics for insurance and then obtain certificates.
3. Enabling students to have professional attitudes in financial industry.
4. Serving as students’ foundation of further study.
教材 徐璧君,壽險數理實務,第二版,華泰文化事業公司 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 小考30%
Grading class participation & tests 30%, midterm & final exams 35% each
教學內容 本課程以介紹人壽保險的數理計算為主要內容,由計算保險費的計算基礎開始,進而介紹實務上如何計算保險費、責任準備金、解約金等,並由法令的演進變化說明這些對保險費、責任準備金、解約金等所產生的影響,搭配壽管人員考題解說,不管對於觀念的釐清及考證照都有很大的助益. Syllabus This course contains the following topics: 1.the concepts for life insurance 2.the calculations of pure premium and gross premium 3.the calculations of reserves and modified reserves 4.the meanings and calculations of nonforfeiture values