朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Investment 投資學

當期課號 4104 Course Number 4104
授課教師 黃寶慧 Instructor HUANG,PAO HUI
中文課名 投資學 Course Name Investment
開課單位 企業管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 二十一世紀的今天,投資學是一門愈來愈重要的學科,其基礎概念不僅深入一般投資行為中,還引導企業指向科學管理之途.本課程旨在介紹投資學基本學理及其實務概況,並酌予加入一些市場實例之探討,俾使同學培養專業投資知識之餘,還能提升學習興趣. Objectives In has been a decade of rapid and profound change in the investments industry. The basic principles remain important not only for individual investor but also for corporate finance. This course makes efforts to link theory to practice and will introduce the students to the current issues of concern.
教材 講義,與教科書:徐俊明(2004),投資學理論與實務,福懋出版社。 電話 02-23512587 02-23819277 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 作業佔0.4 期中佔0.3 期末佔0.3 Grading Homework 0.4 Midterm 0.3 Final exam 0.3
教學內容 投資管理一度被視為很簡單的過程。我的課程除了保有投資本身的新鮮與刺激,而且提供學生們對投資環境的可行性最全面性的審視。課程包括證券市場結構與各種證券工具之認識,進階地學習股票、債券、共同基金、認股權證以及存託憑證的操作知識。 Syllabus Investment management once seemed a simple process.My task has been to keep investments fresh and stimulating and to continue to offer students the most thorough survey of the investment environment available.It will cover the concept of securities market structure and instruments, advanced operation know-how about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, warrants, and depositary receipts.