朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Project Management 專案管理

當期課號 4052 Course Number 4052
授課教師 廖彩雲 Instructor LIAO,TSAI YUN
中文課名 專案管理 Course Name Project Management
開課單位 資訊管理系(二日)四B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹專案管理的主要內容與管理控制方法,讓學生了解如何充分運用企業的資源,來支援專案經理人以達成專案的目標。課程內容包含:(1)專案的管理環境與流程、(2)專案的整合與管理、(3)專案的成本及品質管理、(4)專案的人力資源管理、(5)專案的溝通及風險管理等。 Objectives The goal of this course is to cover not only the concept of project management, but also to give students a solid understanding of the processes, resources control, and implementation of project management necessary to support project managers. This course aims at following directions: (1) project management environment and process, (2) project integration and context management, (3) project cost and quality management, (4) project human resource management, and (5) project communication and risk management.
教材 1. 自編講義
2. 參考書-Milton D. Rosenau, Jr., Successful Project Management - A step-by-step Approach with Practical Example (3rd Ed.). 代理書商: 華泰出版社 (02)23773877.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 配合課程提出與專題相關的問題 20%
課堂參與 20%
隨堂測驗 20%
期末報告(Q&A整理) 40%
Grading Project related question Q&A 20%
Class Participation 20%
Quiz 20%
Final Report 40%
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~tyliao
教學內容 介紹專案管理一系列的計畫、組織、用人、指導與控制的過程如何充分運用企業的資源,包括資本、物料、時間與員工等,以達成企業的相對短期目標。 Syllabus The goal of this class is to cover not only the concept of project management, but also to give students a solid understanding of the processes, resources control, and implementation of project management necessary to support project managers.