朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
History of Contemporary Architecture 現代建築史

當期課號 4020 Course Number 4020
授課教師 趙重生 Instructor CHAO,CHUNG SHENG
中文課名 現代建築史 Course Name History of Contemporary Architecture
開課單位 建築系(二日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 讓同學對1950年以後之建築流派有一概約透徹的認識,其主要內容:1.後現代主義2.Louis Kahn之建築觀與建築作品分析3.解構主義及其代表建築師建築作品分析4.Frampton 之批判性地域主義。 Objectives This course introduces most significant architectural movements since 1950, ranging from Post-modernism, Louis I. Kahn’s architectural philosophy and his works, Deconstructionism as well as Kenneth Frampton’s Opitical Regionalism。.
教材 自編教材 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平時成績20%
Grading attendence 20%
term-test 40%
model-making 30%
report 30%
教學內容 1.安藤忠雄之建築思想及案例
4.Alvar Aalto之建築觀與建築案例分析
Syllabus The objective of the course lies in examining the chronology of architectural disciplines and practices between mid 19th century to mid 20th century dominated by the Modernism; its contents can roughly be divided into:
1.Background elements that contributed toward the evolvement of modern architecture;2.Chronology of architectural disciplines and techniques during early 20th century;3.The impacts that global style have toward modernization;4.The reshuffling and expansion of modern building moves;
5.The trepidation and style deprivation behind today’s architecture.