朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Urban Design 都市設計

當期課號 4009 Course Number 4009
授課教師 楊敏芝 Instructor YANG,MIN CHIH
中文課名 都市設計 Course Name Urban Design
開課單位 建築系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由都市設計體系之介紹,使學生了解實質環境體系中有關建築之營建產生過程中,自都市計畫體系經由都市設計之銜接轉換再至建築計畫、設計、管理等食務暨理論流程。主要內容:1.都市設計發展史 2.都市設計的理論與思潮3.都市設計程序、方法論及公共政策4.都市設計實務、案例、準則 5.都市設計審議. Objectives Urban Design deals with the form of possible urban environment, the setting of social life, and the quality of the human spatial environment. The course contents includes the urban design theory, design process, underlying problem-solving, strategy, public policy management, citizen participation, practical design studio, and urban design guidelines studies et.
教材 自編講義(投影片、幻燈片、案例解說、課程講義) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考試40﹪、期末考試40﹪、平時成績20﹪ Grading attendence 20%
Mid-term 40%
Final-term 40%
教學內容 1.都市設計相關法規
Syllabus Urban Planning is the application of scientific method dealing with the urban systems, the social, economic and political environment. The course contents includes the theory of planning,planning process, and use planning,transport system planning,public utility planning,urban renewal strategy,new town planning, public-policy making, social planning and public participation.