朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Basic English 基礎英文

當期課號 0967 Course Number 0967
授課教師 林琇如 Instructor LIN,HSIU JU
中文課名 基礎英文 Course Name Basic English
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程教學目標是要奠定學生學習的基礎,特別是文法與字彙,再依據學生的程度、能力等,使用不同的方法來達成預期目標:亦即加強學員在英語方面說讀聽寫等方面的技巧。為達成此目標,故採激勵學生盡量使用英語之方式授課。為使學生了解英語的重要性並更有自性地不怕說英語 Objectives This two-semester course is designed for students of all departments. It reinforces and builds on the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary previously acquired by the students. According to the starting level and to the abilities of the students, different approaches are used to achieve the same goal, which is to improve the students" reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English. For reaching this goal much effort is put into encouraging the students to use English as often as possible. Students have to understand the importance of English and become more confident and less afraid of speaking English. There are different techniques to motivate the students, such as, inter alia, group work and role playing.
教材 1. New Interchange 2A
2. Harry Potter: The Sorcerer's Stone
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 小考及期中期末考: 60%, 課堂表現: 10%, 活動: 30% Grading Quizes and examinations:60%, in-class performance: 10%, activitiies: 30%
教學內容 透過實用之教材加強學生在基礎英文方面之聽, 讀, 說及寫之能力 Syllabus Enhancement of basic English competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing through more practical teaching materials.