朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Ballad of Taiwan 台灣歌謠

當期課號 0883 Course Number 0883
授課教師 施又文 Instructor SHIH,YU WEN
中文課名 台灣歌謠 Course Name Ballad of Taiwan
開課單位 文學欣賞課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 只要有人居住的地方,都會有獨具當地特色的民謠,從一個地方的民謠可以了解這個地區人民生活的歷程與內涵,而一部臺灣人民的生活史也正是一部台灣民間歌謠發展史的寫照。本課程主要是藉由台灣民間歌謠的賞析讓學生了解台灣人、愛上台灣事,並欣賞不同年代的台灣歌,其文字與韻律之美。 Objectives So long as the place which someone inhabits, there is a folk rhyme that will have the local characteristic alone , can find out about the course and intension of this regional people's lives from the folk rhyme of a place , and one life, Taiwan of people history exactly one Taiwan folk ballad portrayal of development history too. This course is mainly to let students understand Taiwanese , love the thing of Taiwan with the enjoyment of the folk ballad of Taiwan, and appreciate the song of Taiwan of various years , the beauty of its characters and metre in verse.
教材 歌謠情懷語文 林榮德著 臺中市教育會
台灣流行歌曲研究 楊克隆著 台灣師大國文研究所碩士論文
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平時出缺席狀況 課堂表現
Grading 1. Ordinary exam
2.Resume exercise
教學內容 只要有人居住的地方,都會有獨具當地特色的民謠,從一個地方的民謠可以了解這個地區人民生活的歷程與內涵,而一部臺灣人民的生活史也正是一部台灣民間歌謠發展史的寫照。本課程主要是藉由台灣民間歌謠的賞析讓學生了解台灣人、愛上台灣事,並欣賞不同年代的台灣歌,其文字與韻律之美。 Syllabus So long as the place which someone inhabits, there is a folk rhyme that will have the local characteristic alone , can find out about the course and intension of this regional people's lives from the folk rhyme of a place , and one life, Taiwan of people history exactly one Taiwan folk ballad portrayal of development history too. This course is mainly to let students understand Taiwanese , love the thing of Taiwan with the enjoyment of the folk ballad of Taiwan, and appreciate the song of Taiwan of various years , the beauty of its characters and metre in verse.