朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Chinese Classical Literature and The Art of Oral Language 中國經籍與說話藝術

當期課號 0853 Course Number 0853
授課教師 黃翠芬 Instructor HUANG,TSUI FENG
中文課名 中國經籍與說話藝術 Course Name Chinese Classical Literature and The Art of Oral Language
開課單位 文學欣賞課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在增進溝通協調能力,培養學生敬業樂群態度。從中國經籍中擷取說話的資材,體察學習前人說話的經驗與智慧,掌握語言表達知識,通曉其中要領,靈活運用以提升溝通表達,建立群己關係。如此藉由巧言妙語,得以品賞修辭技巧、學習應對處世,在兼具博雅教育與實用價值的課程安排,提升學生中文表達能力。 Objectives From the materials of Chinese classics, We wish we could
1.Realize and learn the experience and the wisdom from the conversations of
2.Agility dominate the knowledge of language expression.
3.Know the tricks of the trade to rise the level of conversation.
4.Study the rhetoric to increase the writing and speaking abilities of Mandarin.
教材 一 《論語》《孟子》《左傳》《戰國策》《韓非子》《說苑》《晏子 春秋》《世說新語》《史記》《三國演義》《墨子》《莊子》等經籍。
二 講義。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考30%
Grading Behavior of classroom (25%), Participate in discussion on Internet (25%), Midterm examination (25%), Final examination (25%)
教學內容 從中國經籍中說話藝術的資材,體察學習前人說話的經驗與智慧。
Syllabus From the materials of Chinese classics, We wish we could
1.Realize and learn the experience and the wisdom from the conversations of
2.Agility dominate the knowledge of language expression.
3.Know the tricks of the trade to rise the level of conversation.
4.Study the rhetoric to increase the writing and speaking abilities of Mandarin.