朝陽科技大學 093學年度第2學期教學大綱
Religion and Life 宗教與人生

當期課號 0554 Course Number 0554
授課教師 周俊煌 Instructor CHOU,CHUNHUANG HANS
中文課名 宗教與人生 Course Name Religion and Life
開課單位 思想與倫理類(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Philosophy and Ethics
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要研究宗教與人生之互動關係,亦即是說,將各種宗教置於廣闊的生命背景中,探討宗教對生命各個層面之影響,並廣及於宗教信仰與實踐在人類社會生活中,道德習俗、哲學思想、乃至生命關懷等課題。 Objectives This course discusses the interaction between religion and life.via.it will reflect the affection between various religions and life .The major topics include religion and life value ,philosphical thought,utimative concorning etc.
教材 自編。
Designed by the instructor.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 考試 50%
報告與平時成績 50%
Grading Examinations 50%
Reports and Classroom performance 50%
教學內容 ☆ 提昇生活的品質。
☆ 探討天人之際的課題:
Syllabus ☆ Elevate the quality of life.
☆ Explore the relation of superbeing (God) and man.
What is ultimate concern ? Who am I ? What is the source of being ? What are the fundamental aspects of religion ?
What are the concerns of religion ? What is the relationship of these topics to my life ? What is the meaning of life ? What is the goal of life ?