朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Art Appreciation 藝術欣賞

當期課號 9755 Course Number 9755
授課教師 賴孟君 Instructor LAI,MENG CHUN
中文課名 藝術欣賞 Course Name Art Appreciation
開課單位 統整類(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Integrated Curriculum
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 理論與操作並進的教學,在藝術欣賞與實作中體驗藝術創作的特色,拉近藝術與生活的距離,期能通過對國內外藝術的流派與發展,有清晰的了解,通過藝術欣賞的理解過程中,培養獨立的審美欣賞能力。 Objectives Theory and application in teaching activities can make the students aware and experience the arts and also shorten the distance between life and the artistic world. The students are given to have a clear idea about the domestic and external schools in the arts. Also they can build up capability of art appreciation independently.
教材 ※ 主要用書
Cynthia Freeland著,劉依綺譯,《別鬧了,這是藝術嗎?》,台北:左岸文化事業,2002年。

※ 參考書目
王玉齡、黃海鳴譯,Jean-Luc Chalumeau著,《藝術解讀》,台北:遠流出版社,1996年。
戴行鉞譯,John Berger著,《藝術觀賞之道》,台北:商務印書館,1995年。
E.H. Gombrich著,雨云譯,《藝術的故事》,台北:聯經出版社,1998年。
Heinrich Wolfflin著,曾雅雲譯,《藝術史的原則》,台北:雄獅圖書,1993年。
John Berger著,劉惠媛譯,《影像的閱讀》,台北:遠流,2002年。
Paul Smith著,羅竹茜譯,《印象主義》,台北:遠流,1997年。
The Guerrilla Girls著,謝鴻均譯,《游擊女孩床頭版西洋藝術史》,台北:遠流,2000年。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期末報告佔30﹪ 期末考佔40﹪
Grading Final Paper 30% Final Exam 40%
Attendance and Participation 30%
(Final Paper)
Please select one topic about the syllabus or the experience in art appreciation by yourself. Through your thinking, aesthetic consciousness, information collecting and analysis write one paper inside 3000 words. The paper must involve the items like title-page, text, your idea, and bibliographies.
教學內容 西洋藝術自十九世紀開始革新,向傳統挑戰。到了十九世紀末,建立了新標準,發展出所謂的「現代藝術」,成為今日藝術多元開放的源頭。在這一百多年的歷史中,藝術是如何透過不斷的實驗而發展出多元的面貌?以及如何欣賞與了解當代藝術的複雜表現?本課程集合了各種藝術議題,將依主題序列分別教學各講次,培養學生對現、當代及後現代藝術的欣賞能力,並引領學生思索藝術哲學的種種問題。 Syllabus Western art started to renew since nineteenth century, and had strong intention to challenge the art tradition. Until the end of nineteenth century modern art, the new standard, is been developing to be the origin of multi-arts today. During the years more than one hundred, how art makes to be its situation through continued experiment? And how to appreciate and understand the complex expression within contemporary art? The art course collects many art issues, and the teacher will teach the topics sequentially. The course will help students to develop their ability in appreciating modern, contemporary, and postmodern arts. The teacher will also conduct students thinking the questions about art philosophy.