朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
lifescience 生命科學概論

當期課號 9655 Course Number 9655
授課教師 陳靖棻 Instructor CHEN,CHIN FUN
中文課名 生命科學概論 Course Name lifescience
開課單位 自然與應用科技類(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Natural and Applied Sciences
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 由於對生命的日愈重視,因此生命科學的探討聚集了更多人的注意。本門課主要是經由生命起源及滅絕的過程來探討,進而了解生命的來源.尊重生命,並進一步了解目前國內對生物科技發展的情形和其在未來生活上的應用。 Objectives In Life Science, students are introduced to the scientific study of living things. They should develop their understanding of the way a single species functions in its environment as well as how communities of species live in their environment and interact with one another. Students should be able to recognize genes, to understand biotechnology, to develop their conscience and to have respect to all things in the world.
教材 自編講義。主要參考書目如下:
1. Tobin, A. J. and Dusheck, J. (2001) Asking About Life. Harcourt College Publishers, second ed., USA
2. Glick, B. R. and Pasternak, J. J. (1999) Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and application of recombination DNA, American Society for Microbiology Press, USA
3. Alexander, G. M. (1983) Life Science. Scott Foresman and Company. Glenview, Illinois, USA
4. 麥爾,1999。看!這就是生物學。天下遠見出版社。
5. 最新中英文期刊(Science, Nature, Cell, …)與新聞報導
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 測驗(30%)、上台報告(30%)、平時成績(出席與討論)(40%) Grading Quiz (30%)、oral presentation (30%)、class performance (attendance and participation) (40%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~argentina
教學內容 [課程目標]生命無法一言以蔽之。本課程將以深入淺出之方式,介紹生命的意義與源起、生命的表現與演化、基因與生物科技以及其在農業上、醫學上以及生態環境上所造成的影響與衝擊,使同學能以全方位之觀點認識生命,進而瞭解生命並且尊重生命!
1. 課程說明與課程簡介
2. 你從哪裡來?(生命的意義與源起/進化論)
3. 你是什麼作的?(生命的組成與架構)
4. 誰與你共舞?(微生物、植物、動物、病毒…)
5. 如何吃得健康?如何活的健康?(生命的交互作用)
6. 文明病
7. 生命的秘密--DNA與其表現(突變與老化)
8. 生命的延續--遺傳的歷史
9. 生物科技:DNA重組技術
10. 微生物、植物與生物科技
11. 海洋生物與生物科技
12. 動物與生物科技:基因轉殖植物與生命複製(純系複製技術)
13. 生物科技與醫藥:基因寶寶/肥胖基因
14. 生物科技與醫藥:生技製藥/基因治療
15. 生物科技與醫藥:幹細胞/組織工程(美容)/生物晶片與微陣列
16. DNA指紋:PCR技術、RFLP與親子鑑定
17. 生物科技的未來與展望/台灣生物科技:科技產業的明日之星生技投資與專利/生物科技終極關懷:商機?危機?
18. 生命的未來--地球實驗室?
Syllabus [Objectives]In Life Science, students are introduced to the scientific study of living things. They should develop their understanding of the way a single species functions in its environment as well as how communities of species live in their environment and interact with one another. Students should be able to recognize genes, to understand biotechnology, to develop their conscience and to have respect to all things in the world.
1. Introduction
2. Exploring Life: the origin and definition of life
3. The structure of cells
4. Diversity of life: Microorganisms, plants, animals and viruses
5. Interaction of living things
6. Diseases
7. The secret of life
8. Heredity
9. Biotechnology: gene and DNA recombination
10. Microorganisms, plants and biotechnology
11. Aquaculture and biotechnology
12. Animals and biotechnology: transgenic animals and clones
13. Clinical medicine and biotechnology: sterility and obese genes
14. Clinical medicine and biotechnology: pharmaceutical biotechnology and gene therapy
15. Clinical medicine and biotechnology: stem cell, tissues/organs regeneration and biochips
16. DNA fingerprinting
17. The future of biotechnology: crisis ?
18. Conclusion