朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Basketball 籃球

當期課號 9051 Course Number 9051
授課教師 陳進發 Instructor CHEN,CHIN FA
中文課名 籃球 Course Name Basketball
開課單位 選項體育類(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Sports Elective
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 一種向自我挑戰的對抗運動。用球向懸在3.05m高的籃框目標進行投中率的活動。以得分多少決定勝負的集體球類運動項目。由於它是空間與地面雙線抗爭性,不僅富有對抗性、拼鬥性、集體性,也富有健身性、娛樂性、趣味性及觀賞性而成為目前世界最風行的運動項目之一。 Objectives Course description: An anti-exercise of self challenge. It is a team activity of shooting the ball into a basket that hanged at 3.05 meters height, the team with more scores wins the game. Since it is a dual-line competition between space and ground, it shows the antagonism, contesting, collectivism, and is also full of health, entertainment, interests and value of watching. Basketball has become one of the most popular sports in the world.
教材 籃球、哨子 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考30%
Grading mid-test 30%
final-test 30%
教學內容 1.個人基本觀念和動作的訓練
Syllabus basic fundamental <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=training&v=56">training</a>
offence & defence