朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Service Industry Management 服務業管理

當期課號 7673 Course Number 7673
授課教師 黃勇富 Instructor HUANG,YUNG FU
中文課名 服務業管理 Course Name Service Industry Management
開課單位 企業管理系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程針對服務業之管理暨實地參與學習服務作探討,課程包函學生戶外社區服務實習暨服務業的本質與定義、顧客需求、服務系統設計與作業管理、服務地點與佈置、服務業人力資源與行銷管理、服務等候線管理及服務品質管理與顧客滿意等。經此課程的學習可使同學真正瞭解服務業管理的內容,並安排實地參與學習且導入資訊科技的運用以改善服務業之效率與效能。 Objectives This course for the management of the service involved in learning and on-site services to probe further into the curriculum package letter outdoor student internships and community service with the definition of the nature of the service industry, customer demand for services, system design and operations management, service and location arrangement, the human services sector Resources and marketing management, service management and service lines to wait for quality management and customer satisfaction, and so on. After learning this course will enable students to truly understand the management of the service, and arrange on-site and participate in the study into the use of information technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service industry.
教材 1、 顧志遠著[民87],服務業系統設計與作業管理,華泰書局。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1、 平時成績(60%)
◆ 分組作業練習(20%)
◆ 期中分組報告(15%)
◆ 期末分組書面報告(15%)
◆ 上課表現(發言、出席率等)(10%)
Grading 1. Assignments.(20%)
2. Participation.(10%)
3. Term paper.(30%)
4. Final examination.(40%)
教學內容 本課程針對服務業之管理作深入探討,研究相關服務業之管理原理與問題。強調服務業管理與實務之應用,顧客滿意,成功企業之組織文化,人力資源管理,服務品質等重要概念,建立服務業正確觀念與態度。
Syllabus The objective of this course is to cover service management and operations, including service nature and definition, customer demand and KANO theory, service system design and operations management, service location and layout, service human resource and marketing management, service queuing management, servive quality management and customer satisfaction. The student will understand the concepts of service management and operations and use the information technology to improve efficiency and effectives of the service systems.