朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Inner communication 公司內部溝通

當期課號 7174 Course Number 7174
授課教師 張鐵軍 Instructor CHANG,TIEH CHUN
中文課名 公司內部溝通 Course Name Inner communication
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程是使學生了解公司內部溝通可以讓組織運作順暢,組織的層級可以減少,可以促進人際關係、提昇企業的績效。 Objectives The goals of the course is to help the students in understanding that an organization is a good way to make the operation more smoothly; it could also reduce the position level in the organization, improve the relationship and upgrade the effect to the organization.
教材 張鐵軍譯,談判學,2001,華泰書局代理;以及相關個案與教師自編講義與教材。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 ◎ 平時成績(出席率、課堂討論表現、作業)30%
◎ 期中報告30%
◎ 期末考試或期末報告40%
Grading term-paper(30%), final-exam (40%), other assessment (30%).
教學內容 現代商業社會,無論日常生活、與家人互動、工作謀事、購物旅遊、公司間交易、策略聯盟、國家間協商、國際間的紛爭處理等,在在需要談判技巧與談判情緒智商,以克服各種摩擦與衝突。基此,本項課程主要包括:瞭解談判的本質、談判的範疇、衝突管理、相互依賴及認知、分配式談判的戰略及策略,即輸贏(win-lose)式、競爭性的議價、整合(win-win)式談判的戰略與策略、談判前的準備工作(談判的目標訴求、關係維持、雙方的需求認知)、談判破裂提出解決方法(諸如:常見的衝突管理方式及談判破裂的補救措施、國際談判(基本認知、國際談判的差異(政治、法律、經濟、文化課題等)、文化課題對談判的影響,以及如何加以因應之策略)等。主要目的,在使研習同學成為談判高手,以成為傑出管理專才。本課程特別適合即將畢業的社會新鮮人,在就業職場上發揮談判技能,諸如如何談薪資,如何與主管溝通工作安排課題.....等等,本課程是以實務導向作課程設計. Syllabus We're always negotiating, every day of our lives and in every kind of situation----whether it's a boyfriend and girlfriend deciding which movie to see, a husband and wife deciding which city to live in, a customer looking to buy an automobile, or an employee trying to get a raise. We all negotiatiate. But many of us still havea fundamemtal fear of negotiation. Ultimately, negotiating is all about whose concept of reality is going to prevail. In the other hand, negotiations can get emotional. But you need to remind yourself that they're about businee. This course will introduce above issues. Trying to make students know how to use negotiation theory and skill to solving they problem and conflict.