朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Architectural and Urban Design(I) 建築及都市設計(一)

當期課號 7075 Course Number 7075
授課教師 劉克峰 Instructor LIOU,KE FUNG
中文課名 建築及都市設計(一) Course Name Architectural and Urban Design(I)
開課單位 建築及都市設計研究所碩士班三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 5 Credits 5
課程目標 學生自行選擇設計論文題目,撰寫計畫書於第一學期期末考期間公開發表。(二)設計論文計畫書經評審通過後,送所核備後,不得任意更改。計畫書若要更改,須經所務會議同意後,重新評審。(三)設計論文由本所安排之專任教師擔任指導老師。(四)學生參加設計論文口試依本校「碩士學位考試辦法」執行。 Objectives This course aims to cultivate students’ ability to comprehend overall design process through emphases on the importance of design methods, environmental and site analyses, problem explorations and strategy development.
教材 The final product of the students work will never be just a translation or re-presentation of ideas but an open object that will hopefully, generate further thoughts and action that we will not always be able to (or want to) control.
Peter Zumthor. Richard Rogers. Richard meie. Mies. Le Corbusier. Manio Botta. Morphosis. MVRDV. OMA. Peter Wilson. Herzo & Re Meuron. David Chipperfield. Steven Holl. Zaha Hadid. Frank O. Gery. Alvaro Siza. Michael Graves. Eric Own Moss.
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.平常成績 10% 2.project1 30% 3.project2 30% 4.project3 30% Grading 1.Participant 10% 2.project1 30% 3.project2 30% 4.project3 30%
教學內容 都市機能的了解。設計方法論的建立。空間的實際考量與概念之間的兼顧。基地的認識與應用,而並非只是背景知識而已。將真實客戶的需要列入考量。 Syllabus Equally as important, the atelier will function as a laboratory where different methodologies of creating architecture will be tested. We will investigate ways to transgress the boundary between the conceptual side of architecture and the real experience of space. The students will be involved in extensive and diverse site research not just as a background for the architectural product but as a thing that will help engender it.The students will look for their clients in the street, at the local market, in the housing estate, as well as in literature and films. They will experience direct action tactics, as well as formalistic investigations. They will create virtual environment( by following client demands), and real ones following fictitious narratives. They will engage in intensive group work as well as individual study.