朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
English for Young children (Basic level) 基礎幼兒美語

當期課號 6370 Course Number 6370
授課教師 李宜娟 Instructor LEE,YI CHUAN
中文課名 基礎幼兒美語 Course Name English for Young children (Basic level)
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)三B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程目標在使學生:
Objectives The objectives of the course for students are:
1.To gain knowledge of the status quo, trend, theories, and basic concepts regarding teaching English to young children
2. To understand the basic teaching strategies and the appropriate ways to help children learn English.
3. To learn correct English pronunciation and cultivate self confidence in speaking and using English.
4. To learn English songs, chants, and activities appropriate for young children.
教材 1. 幼福KK音標(附CD),幼福文化事業有限公司。
2. 自編講義及其他參考資料。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席率及課堂參與情形……10%
隨堂考 ………………………30% (音標、自然發音)
期中考試 ……………………30% (園所生活美語,聽讀英翻中)
期末表現活動……………………30% (小組表演,15-20分鐘)
Grading Attendance and participation...10%
Mid-term exam....30%
Final presentation....30%
教學內容 1. 使學生瞭解現今幼兒美語教學現況、趨勢、相關理論及應有的基本觀念。。
2. 使學生瞭解保育人員如何搭配托育機構中美語老師的教學,導正家長的錯誤觀念,引導小朋友快樂的學習美語。
3. 使學生瞭解幼兒美語基本教學觀念與策略。
4. 使學生具備基礎美語能力 (自然發音法、KK音標、字彙、會話),進而培養其開口說英語、用英語的自信心。
5. 使學生瞭解幫助幼兒獲得英語能力的正確方式。
Syllabus The purpose of this course is to help the students who will be kindergarten teachers increase their basic English abilities, confidence, and understand the appropriate teaching materials and strategies. The content of this course includes: 1. The trend, theories, and the basic concepts regarding Children’s learning of English, 2. Phonics, 3. Practical English in kindergarten and preschool (Morning English, Classroom English, Physical activities English, Lunch English, Sleeping time English, Routine English, and so on), including chants and songs.