朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
History of Film 電影史

當期課號 6254 Course Number 6254
授課教師 党永順 Instructor  
中文課名 電影史 Course Name History of Film
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
2.能具備電影百年史的發展知識能力 (技能)
4.能做為拍片的參考。 (其他)
Objectives 1. Understand the development of 100 years of film history, theory, and genres (knowledge) 2. Identify significant issues in film history (skills) 3. Develop as a filmmaker through understanding film history (development) 4. Identify references to significant films to improve one's own filmmaking (other)
教材 1. 自編教材 (Instructor-Compiled Materials)
2. 廖金鳳譯。電影百年發展史(上、下)。 麥格羅希爾公司出版。
(原書為Film History: An Introduction, written by Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell.)
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考 (30%)
期末考 (40%)
出席率與課堂參與 (30%)
Grading Mid-Term Exam (30%)
Final Exam (40%)
Attendance & Participation (30%)
教學內容 期使學生瞭解世界主要電影運動的發展歷程。並透過影片觀賞和教材閱讀,俾令學生進一步認識電影藝術及科技的融合與演進、經濟和社會因素對電影發展的影響、以及電影對通俗文化的形成與互映。 Syllabus The purpose of this course is to inform and excite the students about the world cinema. We will outline, clarify, and draw connections among artistic, technological, economic and social forces which have shaped and reflected in film history. We will also study selected films and filmmakers of the past, and consider various critical approaches to these works, their makers, and their times. As in any brief survey, the compression is staggering, the omissions are innumerable, and the hazard of superficiality is severe. Offsetting these liabilities is the possible reward of permanent affection for and understanding of the bygone achievements of this beautiful art and of the people who made it.