朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Advertising 廣告概論

當期課號 6245 Course Number 6245
授課教師 郭昭蘭 Instructor KUO,CHAO LAN
中文課名 廣告概論 Course Name Introduction to Advertising
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1.使學生了解廣告概念、廣告環境及各類廣告媒體 (知識)
2.能具備廣告原理及各類別媒體廣告之分析能力 (技能)
Objectives 1. Learn concepts in all kinds of advertising media and fields (knowledge) 2. Understand principles in the analysis of advertising media (skills) 3. Gain professional practitioners' attitude and understanding of craft (development) 4. Understand current advertising markets (other)
教材 呂冠瑩(民91).廣告學:管理,策略,創意. 台北:新文京開發出版有限公司.
廣告雜誌 動腦雜誌
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 課堂討論10% 平時作業10% 各組廣告影片分析40% 期中考20%
點名一次未到總平均扣二分 作業遲交一天打九折以此類推
Grading Class discussion 10% Assignments 10% Advertising analysis 40% Mid-term 20% Final 20%
教學內容 本課程為廣告領域之入門課程,學生將瞭解廣告此項傳播技能如何與產品行銷及消費者相結合,此外,課程內容亦包括廣告產業現況.廣告類別介紹,廣告創意,廣告表現方式及廣告媒體單元. Syllabus This is an introduction course of the field of advertising.The students will know the interrelationships among advertising,marketing and consumers.Besides,this course also include the following areas:advertising industry,advertising typologies,advertising creativity and advertising media.