朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction of Biomaterials 生物材料導論

當期課號 6227 Course Number 6227
授課教師 劉炳嵐 Instructor LIU,BING LAN
中文課名 生物材料導論 Course Name Introduction of Biomaterials
開課單位 應用化學系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要的目的是要向同學簡介各種來自生物所衍生材料之性質或原理與應用,例如膠原蛋白,幾丁質/幾丁聚醣,玻璃糖醛酸(或稱透明質酸),生物可分解性塑膠,生物晶片等相關領域。此外,由微生物代謝所產生之工業用酵素,抗生素,紫杉醇也在本課程討論之列。 Objectives This course is designed to provide an iroduction of bionmaterials and their applications. We intend to give an overview of these products. The following items will be covered in class : 1.collagen 2 . chitin / chitosen 3. hyaluronic acid 4 . biochips 5 . biodegradable plastics Besides , the industrial enzymes , antibiotics , taxol derived from cell metabolism will also be discussed to our utmost .
教材 Class notes Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考與期末考各占50%,BONUS 10%為額外加分其依據是上課點名與參與課堂討論. Grading The course grading is based on the performance of mid-term and final examinatin (50% for each). Bonus credits (10%) will be given to those attend the course and join the discussions.
教學內容 本課程主要的目的是要向同學簡介各種來自生物所衍生材料之性質或原理與應用,例如膠原蛋白,幾丁質/幾丁聚醣,玻璃糖醛酸(或稱透明質酸),生物可分解性塑膠,生物晶片等相關領域.此外,由微生物代謝所產出之工業用酵素,抗生素,紫杉醇也在本課程討論之列. Syllabus This course is designed to provide an iroduction of bionmaterials and their applications. We intend to give an overview of these products. The following items will be covered in class: 1.collagen 2.chitin/chitosen 3.hyaluronic acid 4.biochips 5.biodegradable plastics Besides, the industrial enzymes, antibiotics, taxol derived from cell metabolism will also be discussed to our utmost.