朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Physical Chemistry 物理化學(一)

當期課號 6226 Course Number 6226
授課教師 錢偉鈞 Instructor CHIEN,WEI JYUN
中文課名 物理化學(一) Course Name Physical Chemistry
開課單位 應用化學系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程為應用化學系學生必修之課程。課程主旨在於以物理學之理論與方法探討化學現象與反應之原理。課程內容著重於以熱力學三大定律,平衡現象,反應動力論及量子化學為主體之基礎定律理論與應用。 Objectives The main purpose of this two-semester course is to introduce how to apply physical theories and methods to investigate chemical systems and processes. The following topics will be included in this course: thermodynamics, phenomenon of equilibrium, kinetics and basic structure of atom and molecule.
教材 ”The elements of Physical Chemistry” by P. W. Atkins Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 共舉行三次成績評量:兩次期中考各佔30%,共計60%.期末考佔40%.總分合計為100分 Grading Three examinations : two midterms 60%, final exam 40%.
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~wjchien
教學內容 本學期之物理化學課程內容包含量子化學及化學熱力學;
1. 量子力學與原子分子結構;
2. 氣體動力學;
3. 熱力學三大定律
Syllabus Three major tpics are included:
1. quantum chemistry and the structure of atom and molecule;
2. Kinetic theory of Gases
3. The fist, second the third laws of thermodymamics.