朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Life Insurance 人壽保險

當期課號 4122 Course Number 4122
授課教師 張婉玲 Instructor CHANG,WAN LIN
中文課名 人壽保險 Course Name Life Insurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 使學生瞭解人身保險的理論、種類(包括人壽、健康、傷害、年金等保險)、財務、組織、經營及契約條款等知識
2. 透過人壽保險理論與實務的介紹,協助學生通過相關證照考試;並藉由學生的課堂報告,增進其組織與表達能力
3. 培養學生良好的學習態度,進而使其具備保險金融從業人員之專業態度
4. 可做為學生未來從事金融保險行政與銷售工作之基礎
Objectives 1. Enabling students to understand knowledge of thories, types (life, health, causualty and annuity, etc), finance, organization, operation and contract articles of life insurance.
2. Through introduction of life insurance theories and practice, helping students obtaining certificates; students improving organization and expression ability thorough reports in classes.
3. Fostering students’ good learning attitudes to become professional personnel in financial and insurance industry.
4. Serving as students’ foundation in the future career in finance and insurance administration and sales.
教材 投影片、白板、講義及
參考用書:人身保險實務/林麗銖 著/平安出版社
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中考佔40%;2.平時及小考佔20%;3.期末考佔40% Grading Med-term exam~40%; Last exam~40%; other~20%
教學內容 本課程先整體介紹人身保險的相關理論及巿場現況,進而深入探討人壽保險之保費、責任準備金、經營狀況及契約條款,並搭配年金、健康、傷害、團體等相關保險做較精簡之說明。 Syllabus This course contain the following topics : basic concept, market condition, premium and reserve policy, company operation, and contract provsion in life/annuity/health/injure/group insurance.